Napoli - Positano
Check return scheduleThe times refer to the current week (all exception are listed in the notes), and are updated based on the information provided by the ferry companies. From April to October, routes are much more frequent. We suggest you double-check the schedule a few days before your travel dates!

Routes and times updated in real time and refer to the current week.
Please note
- The route schedule changes often; times listed on this page refer to the current week. Double-check a few days before your travel dates.
- In case of rough seas, high speed ferry routes are often suspended and ferries must be taken instead.
- In case of very rough seas, ferry routes may be suspended. We recommend checking the updates from the ferry companies.
Things to know before departure
Useful Numbers and Addresses
Tourist Information Offices
Via San Carlo, 9 - Tel. +39 081 402394
Piazza del Gesù - Tel. +39 081 5512701
Via Regina Giovanna,13
Tel. +39 089 875067
Hotel reservations, travel itineraries, and tours of Positano:
Useful Addresses
Taxi Service Napoli
Tel. +39 081 8888
Radio Taxi, Calata San Marco
Tel. +39 081 444444
+39 081 5564444
+39 081 5555555
Radio Taxi La Partenope +39 081 10101
ConsorTaxi +39 081 2222
Luggage Transport Service:
Positano Porter Carovana Facchini, Piazza dei Mulini 2 089 875310
Flavio Gioia S.a.s +39 089 811896
Ferry Companies
- Naples: +39 081 5520763 (Call Center)
- Positano: +39 089 875032